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  • mandella

  • Mesaje scrise: 73
  • Locatie: Cluj
  • Masina: Astra 2001 Z16XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 08 Mai 2006

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caut de mai mult timp un set de jante misto Cool , am gasit acuma ceva tare , dar nu stiu sigur dc se potrivesc pe masina mea ( astra G 2001), jantele sunt 17*7, 4x100 , ET 45
cu ET-ul nu sunt in clar......
sa-mi spuna cineva pls daca se potriveste sau nu
  • jE

  • Mesaje scrise: 8,464
  • Locatie: Brasov
  • Masina: Astra 2005 Z18XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 04 Jun 2006

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They say a picture is equivalent to a thousand words, so study this one carefully. It's one of the wheels off one of my old cars. Enlarged so you can read it is the wheel information described above. You'll notice it reads "6J x 14 H2 ET45". The "6J x 14" part of that is the size of the wheel rim - in this case it has a depth of 6 inches and a diameter of 14 inches (see the section directly below here on wheel sizes for a more in-depth explanation). The "J" symbolises the shape of the tyre bead profile. (see rim contours below)
The "H2" means that this wheel rim is a double hump design (see hump profiles, below). The "ET45" figure below that though symbolises that these wheels have a positive offset of 45mm. In other words, they have an inset of 45mm. In my case, the info is all stamped on the outside face of the wheel which made it nice and easy to photograph and explain for you. On most aftermarket wheels, they don't want to pollute the lines and style of the outside of the wheel with stamped-on information - it's more likely to be found inside the rim, or on one of the inner mounting surfaces.

cum mai zic unii pe aici... fa si tu un search Wink pe forum, pe google...Wink
  • MuTu

  • Mesaje scrise: 12
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  • Masina: Astra 2005
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 18 Sep 2006

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mandella a scris:salut
caut de mai mult timp un set de jante misto Cool , am gasit acuma ceva tare , dar nu stiu sigur dc se potrivesc pe masina mea ( astra G 2001), jantele sunt 17*7, 4x100 , ET 45
cu ET-ul nu sunt in clar......
sa-mi spuna cineva pls daca se potriveste sau nu
mergi sau suna la adresa asta 022329 Bucureºti, ªos. Fundeni nr. 260 - 262
Tel.: 021-240.58.10; Fax.: 021-2405867 (dealer autorizat opel )si zi ca vrei sa cumpri jentile astea de la ei ....daca le au si daca se potrivesc pe masina ta si vezi ce zic aia....stiu ei mai bine
  • mandella

  • Mesaje scrise: 73
  • Locatie: Cluj
  • Masina: Astra 2001 Z16XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 08 Mai 2006

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@ JE
mi-ai dat un link in care scrie tot ce vrei in afara de ce ma intereseaza pe mine
stiu ce-i ET-ul dar nu stiu ce ET potavea jantele montate pe masina mea fara sa am probleme.
PS am cautat pe google si pe forumuri,
deci daca cineva stie 100% il rog sa-mi dea un sfat, pt ca nu le iau fara sa stiu sigur daca se potrivesc
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