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  • daniel_aoe

  • Mesaje scrise: 650
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Vectra 2007 Z18XER
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 17 Sep 2008

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Mie mi-a aplicat un functionar public la un meci de fotbal un baston pe spate si a ramas lipit 2 zile Evil or Very Mad
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  • cipylan

  • Mesaje scrise: 172
  • Locatie: Galati
  • Masina: Tigra 1995 X14XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 22 Jul 2008

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Oricum nu ma asteptam sa vina careva cu argumente clare, fiindca era sa uit, traim in Romania si..... a da, printre romani. Scuze, ca incerc sa port o discutie ca intre oameni, pana nu se ajunge la jigniri si batjocura nu se poate, iar in ceea ce priveste SFM vreau sa stiti ca nu sunt nici importator, nici producator sau stiu si eu ce altceva va mai trece prin cap, pur si simplu am aflat de el si vreau sa-l incerc, daca nu incerci nu vei avea cum sa distrugi un mit. Oricum trebuie sa stiti un lucru indiferent de rezultat, voi posta aici si doar atat nu il voi vinde si nici nu voi incerca sa-i fac reclama, nu am nimic de castigat. De-al de Toma necredinciosu sunt extrem de multi si nu ma astept la vreo schimbare de atitudine din partea lor, dar poate vor deveni mai prietenosi macar. Pe alte forumuri sunt persoane care au deschis topicuri in legatura cu produsul asta si cum ca l-ar fi incercat, dar nu au venit cu rezultatul, asta e motivul pentru care l-am deschis eu aici.
  • cipylan

  • Mesaje scrise: 172
  • Locatie: Galati
  • Masina: Tigra 1995 X14XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 22 Jul 2008

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daniel_aoe a scris:Mie mi-a aplicat un functionar public la un meci de fotbal un baston pe spate si a ramas lipit 2 zile Evil or Very Mad

Very Happy Ar trebui sa te duci la Copii spun lururi trasnite cu glumele astea Very Happy
  • dancuciureanu

  • Mesaje scrise: 16,457
  • Locatie: Iasi
  • Masina: Agila 2001 Z10XE + Z12XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 26 Jun 2006

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Vad ca nu vrei sa citesti, hai ca ti-am extras eu :

Magnetic Fuel treatments
Status : Untested
Websites : too many to list.
If you drive a car, you're absolutely guaranteed to have heard this claim before : "put a magnet on the fuel line and it will increase your fuel economy by making the fuel burn more efficiently." Excuse my English, but that's bollocks. There's so many reasons that these devices are pure fantasy. Here's just a few of them:

The magnets are tiny, and pretty weak. There's no demonstrable effect of these things on hydrocarbon liquids such as gasoline (petrol) or diesel. A magnet cannot provide oxygen and neither can it change the amount of heat released from burning the fuel.
Liquids cannot "retain" any magnetic effect when they leave the magnet, even if affected when within it. Hence you cannot "charge up" a liquid in the way that a dust particle can be charged.
There is no truly independent lab analysis which could give evidence that combustion can be improved nor that you'll get better power output or lower emissions. The "labs" that give reports and testimonials to the various magnetic product companies are either on their payroll, or received generous "donations". No conflict of interest there then.
A modern car engine will typically fail to completely burn something like ½% of the fuel it uses. This therefore will be the sort of improvement that could be expected by a device that ensured "complete combustion" of all the fuel. Most magnetic devices claim an 8-10% improvement. What are they burning above the ½% of unburned fuel?
Scientific doublespeak
As with the holographic plastic sticker above, the websites, TV commercials and brochures of these magnetic devices use scientific doublespeak to try to impress / confuse the consumer. A great example is this site : The Magnetizer. According to their site, their device works by:

breaking up [nonexistent] "clusters" of hydrocarbon molecules, thereby exposing the previously-shielded atoms to combustion
converting the hydrocarbons to "positive ions" which are more strongly attracted to the "negatively charged air molecules" (assuming that you also install their "air energizer" on the air intake)
change the hydrocarbon molecule from its para [spin] state to the higher energized ortho state
Yes folks, The Magnetizer's manufacturers would have you believe they can magnetise thin air by clamping a weak magnet around your air intake. Amazing.
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  • cipylan

  • Mesaje scrise: 172
  • Locatie: Galati
  • Masina: Tigra 1995 X14XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 22 Jul 2008

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Pana acum am facut testul de consum, prin faptul ca am incarcat rezervorul full, pana cand a dat afara, am dat contoarul de km parcursi la 0, am mers 98 de km in oras, fara sa depasesc 2500 turatia motorilui si am alimentat aseara de la aceeasi pompa. Comp de bord imi indica 13,3, iar pe chitanta de la PECO imi indica 13,250712.

In concluzie computerul de bord indica bine.
  • dancuciureanu

  • Mesaje scrise: 16,457
  • Locatie: Iasi
  • Masina: Agila 2001 Z10XE + Z12XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 26 Jun 2006

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Cam asta e consumul normal la tine mers mosnegeste, daca o calci putin lejer 16% si daca e mai sport un 20% fara discutie.
Oricum 2500ture inseamna motor subturat.
Sfatul meu e sa gasesti unul amator de senzatii tari ca sa o vinzi si sa iti cumperi una mai "normala" la consum.
  • marian_sro

  • Mesaje scrise: 3,805
  • Locatie: piatra neamt
  • Masina: Vectra 1999 x20xev
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  • Cont inregistrat: 08 Apr 2007

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eu intreb altceva:de ce ai luat 2,5 v6? ai crezut ca va consuma 8 in oras?
despre diferitele inventii eu unul sunt dispus sa le incerc.dar pe banii producatorului nu pe ai mei.
  • cipylan

  • Mesaje scrise: 172
  • Locatie: Galati
  • Masina: Tigra 1995 X14XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 22 Jul 2008

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dancuciureanu a scris:Cam asta e consumul normal la tine mers mosnegeste, daca o calci putin lejer 16% si daca e mai sport un 20% fara discutie.
Oricum 2500ture inseamna motor subturat.
Sfatul meu e sa gasesti unul amator de senzatii tari ca sa o vinzi si sa iti cumperi una mai "normala" la consum.

Cand am adus-o am mers cu ea mai mult stil sportiv si pe computerul de bord imi indica 17,6, acum nu pot spune daca sunt reali, fiindca nu i-am facut testul la pompa.
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  • cipylan

  • Mesaje scrise: 172
  • Locatie: Galati
  • Masina: Tigra 1995 X14XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 22 Jul 2008

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marian_sro a scris:eu intreb altceva:de ce ai luat 2,5 v6? ai crezut ca va consuma 8 in oras?
despre diferitele inventii eu unul sunt dispus sa le incerc.dar pe banii producatorului nu pe ai mei.

Sincer sa fiu nu am stiut cat poate consuma au astfel de motor, m-a dus in eroare faptul ca este ECOTEC plus ca nu am avut acces la internet acolo sa pot afla mai multe date despre motoarele 2.5. Am crezut ca consuma in jur de 12 in oras.
  • daniel_aoe

  • Mesaje scrise: 650
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Vectra 2007 Z18XER
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 17 Sep 2008

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Cipynan@, masina din semnatura consuma aprox 14/100 km in oras si 8 afara. Este noua, dl agent comunitar si nu ma gandesc sa pun in motor/evcuare/cutie de viteze/injectie produse minune.
Daca voiam o masina lenesa si cu un consum redus, cumparam alta masina pe motorina. Nu vreau sa supar pe cei pe motorina, dar la aceasi CP (140) trebuia sa iau un 2,2 CTDI care costa cu 3000 EUR mai mult. (asta se intampla in 2007
Paste fericit.
  • deleted-18977

  • Mesaje scrise: 2,349
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 28 Mai 2008

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rele lume nene rele
si ce nesimtit opel, auzi tu ,sa consume asa mult Nesatulul
Si ce PROFESORI in raspunsuri?
colega din galati:inchide-te in casa si da drumu la gaze, sa nu cumva sa mori p-aci pa club.
  • cipylan

  • Mesaje scrise: 172
  • Locatie: Galati
  • Masina: Tigra 1995 X14XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 22 Jul 2008

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victor soare a scris:rele lume nene rele
si ce nesimtit opel, auzi tu ,sa consume asa mult Nesatulul
Si ce PROFESORI in raspunsuri?
colega din galati:inchide-te in casa si da drumu la gaze, sa nu cumva sa mori p-aci pa club.

Daca tu unu' te multumesti asa cum esti, atunci poti sa ramui asa si gata, eu caut solutii, iar expresiile tale dau dovada de prostie si chiar ma faci sa rad Mr. Green . Te-ai gasit tu sa-mi dai replici, poti sa-ti vezi de treabata ca nu te-a invitat nimeni aici.
Poate nu urmaresti reportajele despre noile tehnologii sa observi ca sunt motoare pe benzina cu cilindree mare care dezvolta puteri mari si consuma putin (vezi motoarele de la Kia si in principiu motorul de 3.8 )
Sper sa-ti schimbi comportamentul si sa vii cu texte intradevar importante.
Histos a inviat!
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  • sorin666

  • Mesaje scrise: 3,893
  • Locatie: outside Manell's Land
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  • Cont inregistrat: 12 Mai 2004

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Da, dar acele motoare la care te referi sunt de conceptie mult mai noua Embarassed
Si, chiar si in aceste conditii, consumul in oras ramane mare... sunt masini "de autostrada"... Wink
Mie (motor de 2000) imi consuma 10l/100 in oras si 7.5 pe autostrada la 150kmh stabilizati...
O idee, schimba... fisele de bujii... e irational, dar eu am facut-o recent si consumul a scazut cu circa 15%... fara caterinca..
  • daniel_aoe

  • Mesaje scrise: 650
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Vectra 2007 Z18XER
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 17 Sep 2008

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CipylaN2:Ma lasi, unde ai vazut tu automobile Kia de 3,8 cm ? Eu am cautat pe toate situri-le si nu am gasit nici o masina la aceasta cofiguratie. Sau mintea ta functioneaza asa: Kia = masina ieftina; motor 3,8 = BMW diesel ultima generatie = aceeasi bani?
Hristos a inviat
  • cipylan

  • Mesaje scrise: 172
  • Locatie: Galati
  • Masina: Tigra 1995 X14XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 22 Jul 2008

  • Mesaj Privat
daniel_aoe a scris:CipylaN2:Ma lasi, unde ai vazut tu automobile Kia de 3,8 cm ? Eu am cautat pe toate situri-le si nu am gasit nici o masina la aceasta cofiguratie. Sau mintea ta functioneaza asa: Kia = masina ieftina; motor 3,8 = BMW diesel ultima generatie = aceeasi bani?
Hristos a inviat aici gasesti mai multe informatii
  • cipylan

  • Mesaje scrise: 172
  • Locatie: Galati
  • Masina: Tigra 1995 X14XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 22 Jul 2008

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Se pare ca reprezentantii produsului SFM nu mai dau nici un semn de viata. M-au sunat pe data de 16 sa ma intrebe daca sunt persoana fizica sau juridica si atat, ne-am salutat reciproc si se pare ca probabil nu au fost multumiti de raspuns sau nu stiu care e motivul Rolling Eyes Question
In mare tind sa cred ceea ce a postat dancuciureanu si sa speram ca poate din intamplare au observat cumva discutiile purtate aici, ceea ce probabil i-a facut sa renunte la a mai trimite produsul, ca nu cumva sa observe si altii ca nu este bun de nimic, asa ca nu ar fi convenabil pentru ei.
Le multumesc inca odata celor care au venit cu diferite argumente si pareri legate de acest subiect, iar cei care vor dori sa cumpere acest produs sa poata citi si sa ajunga la o concluzie dupa care sa ia decizia corecta!
  • dodo_13

  • Mesaje scrise: 4,545
  • Locatie: Iasi
  • Masina: Astra 2008 Z19DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 11 Apr 2005

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Nu e nevoie sa ne multumesti. Suntem doar niste romani, adica niste GICA CONTRA, si respingem orice e nou si revolutionar.
  • dancuciureanu

  • Mesaje scrise: 16,457
  • Locatie: Iasi
  • Masina: Agila 2001 Z10XE + Z12XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 26 Jun 2006

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Super FuelMAX Marketers Settle FTC Charges

WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, 2001 -- The marketers of the Super FuelMAX automotive fuel-line magnet, advertised as providing dramatic fuel-saving and emissions-reducing benefits, have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that their claims were unsubstantiated.

It's the latest in a series of cases involving unsubstantiated fuel economy and engine performance claims. The FTC previously halted allegedly deceptive advertising by the marketers of Dura Lube, Motor Up, Prolong, Valvoline, Slick 50, and STP engine treatments. Earlier this year, the agency sued Speedway Motorsports, Inc. and its Oil-Chem Research Corp. subsidiary to halt false and misleading advertising for zMax auto additives, including claims that zMax increases gas mileage by a minimum of 10 percent.

The settlement would bar the Gadget Universe catalog and its CEO from misrepresenting the actual benefits or efficacy of any supposedly fuel-saving or emissions-reducing products for motor vehicles. It would also prohibit misrepresentations about testimonials, endorsements, tests, or research.

According to the FTC complaint, Esrim Ve Sheva Holding Corp., doing business as Gadget Universe, and its CEO, Alexander Elnekaveh, advertised and sold Super FuelMAX through catalog sales and on their Internet site. Advertising for the device claimed, "Here's one the big oil companies don't want you to know about," "SAVE UP TO 27% ON GAS," and "The Super FuelMAX . . . clamps onto my fuel line, and two powerful neodymium conductors use the scientific principal of magnetic resonance to give me better fuel burn. A certified EPA laboratory reports an amazing 27% in increased mileage and 42% reduction in harmful pollutants." Graphics in the ads showed unruly fuel molecules lining up in straight columns and rows after passing through the Super FuelMAX.

Release Date: April 18, 2002

FTC Warns Internet Marketers about Making Misleading Claims about the Benefits of Gas-Saving and Other Energy-Related Devices
Consumers Should be Wary of Questionable Claims
As gas prices creep higher and higher heading into travel season, the Federal Trade Commission recently conducted an Internet surf to detect and deter the deceptive marketing of products that purportedly save energy. After the surf, the FTC staff sent warning letters to more than 50 companies making questionable gas-saving and other energy-related advertising claims. While most of the warnings were targeted at marketers of automotive gadgets and additives, additional warnings addressed Internet marketers of purported energy-saving products for the home. The letters reminded the advertisers that they need scientific substantiation for their energy-saving claims and provided them with additional advertising guidance.

The warnings advised that the recipients may be subject to law enforcement action if they make deceptive claims in the future. "Our message to industry is that false or inflated energy-saving claims will not be tolerated. Our message to consumers is that they should be skeptical of dramatic fuel-savings claims for automotive and other products," said J. Howard Beales, III, Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection.

The warning letters involved the following types of products:

Fuel-Saving Automotive Devices and Additives: Numerous Web sites make implausible claims for various aftermarket automotive devices (fuel-line magnets, air bleed devices, and other retrofit gadgets) and additives that supposedly increase gas mileage (and sometimes reduce emissions) for automobiles. For example, FTC staff found claims such as "saves thousands of dollars on gas!" or "increased mileage up to 300%." The staff's experience with these products suggests that many of these claims are either false or grossly exaggerated. In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has evaluated or tested more than 100 purported gas-saving devices and additives, and has not found any product that significantly improves gas mileage.

Instantaneous Water Heaters & Home Water Purification (or Softening) Systems: Some distributors are making exaggerated claims about the performance and the energy savings associated with instantaneous ("tankless") water heaters and home water purification or softening systems (e.g., "save 50% on hot water costs"). The Commission previously challenged similar claims for water purification systems.

Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors: Although these products can protect equipment from power surges, in the past the Commission and the states have challenged claims that these products provide significant savings for consumers' energy bills.
The Internet surf and warning letters are part of the FTC's continuing law enforcement efforts to combat deceptive energy-saving claims. Late last month, the Commission approved a consent order with Kryton Coatings International and Procraft, Inc., which claimed that their "liquid siding" provides insulation equivalent to seven inches of fiberglass batting and R-20, and reduces utility bills up to 40 percent. In November 2001, the Commission obtained a consent decree resolving charges that Esrim Ve Sheva Holding Corp. (Gadget Universe) and its CEO made false and unsubstantiated claims for Super FuelMAX, an automotive fuel-line magnet (e.g., "A certified EPA laboratory reports an amazing 27% in increased mileage and 42% reduction in harmful pollutants").

The FTC cautions consumers to be wary of drastic energy-saving claims. The FTC has issued several consumer education brochures on topics such as purported fuel-saving automotive devices (Gas-Saving Products: Facts or Fuelishness?), gas-saving tips (Good, Better, Best: How to Improve Gas Mileage), and guidance for heating and cooling homes (Weathering the High Cost of Heating Your Home and Cooling Your Home: Don't Sweat It, among other publications). The FTC also has a dedicated energy & environment Web page: which links to these materials, as well as other energy efficiency information for consumers and businesses.

Details about EPA's motor vehicle aftermarket retrofit device evaluation program and related consumer information are available at:

Copies of the documents related to the FTC's law enforcement actions, and consumer and business education materials, are available from the FTC's Web site at and also from the FTC's Consumer Response Center, Room 130, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580. The FTC works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop and avoid them. To file a complaint, or to get free information on any of 150 consumer topics, call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357), or use the complaint form at The FTC enters Internet, telemarketing, identity theft and other fraud-related complaints into Consumer Sentinel, a secure, online database available to hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad.

Media Contact:
Howard Shapiro
Office of Public Affairs
Staff Contact:
Joni Lupovitz
Bureau of Consumer Protection

Mai vrei ? Mai am !
Am mai scris de multe ori, acesti producatori si vinzatori de produse minune, magneti, pseudo-turbine, virtelnite de aer, aditivi si alte smacuri AR TREBUI IMPUSCATI preferabil pe stadioane cum vroia C.V. Tudor.
  • deleted-18977

  • Mesaje scrise: 2,349
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 28 Mai 2008

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cipylan a scris:
daniel_aoe a scris:CipylaN2:Ma lasi, unde ai vazut tu automobile Kia de 3,8 cm ? Eu am cautat pe toate situri-le si nu am gasit nici o masina la aceasta cofiguratie. Sau mintea ta functioneaza asa: Kia = masina ieftina; motor 3,8 = BMW diesel ultima generatie = aceeasi bani?
Hristos a inviat aici gasesti mai multe informatii

i-mi cer scuze ca esti din galati, esti pe la PULITIA comuninatara si mai esti si prost.pune doua algocalmine in rezervor si o sa-ti ia 0.68476773gr la suta de metri cubi.
daca simti ca esti prost[ca toti din politiile astea inventate], deci daca simti asta, inchide subiectul si nu mai insista
esti jenant si.............. din galati
  • daniel_aoe

  • Mesaje scrise: 650
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Vectra 2007 Z18XER
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 17 Sep 2008

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Rog un moderator, se poate inchide?
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