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  • tiry213

  • Mesaje scrise: 449
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Vectra 1998 X20DTL
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 07 Jan 2008

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Cosnumi mai multa energie decat produci. Mai bine iti iei bicicleta daca chiar vrei sa faci economie Smile)
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  • Virinel

  • Mesaje scrise: 324
  • Locatie: Prahova
  • Masina: Insignia 2015 B20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 16 Aug 2007

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dar asta nu ne impeidica "sa bagam o fisa"...Wink
  • imprevizibil

  • Mesaje scrise: 235
  • Locatie: Hunedoara
  • Masina: Tigra 1998 x14xe
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 03 Apr 2010

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si asa s-au lasat toti de experimente ?
parca zicea cineva ca ne tine la ?
  • Virinel

  • Mesaje scrise: 324
  • Locatie: Prahova
  • Masina: Insignia 2015 B20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 16 Aug 2007

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lipsa fondurilor si mai ales a timpului m-au facut sa aman pe anul ce vine....Sad
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  • imprevizibil

  • Mesaje scrise: 235
  • Locatie: Hunedoara
  • Masina: Tigra 1998 x14xe
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 03 Apr 2010

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no bine hai ca mai pe seara iti explic eu ce am facut
pe la orele 22 termin de scris
si ma bucur ca mai is oameni ce au vointa sa faca ceva
  • Virinel

  • Mesaje scrise: 324
  • Locatie: Prahova
  • Masina: Insignia 2015 B20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 16 Aug 2007

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f bine, astept cu interes detalii Smile
  • imprevizibil

  • Mesaje scrise: 235
  • Locatie: Hunedoara
  • Masina: Tigra 1998 x14xe
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 03 Apr 2010

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am avut, o cuva de masina de spalat din aceea tip vechi....cuva fixa
am taiat-o cu flexul in bucatele de 8 cm inaltime si 10 lungime.Mi-a rezultat 36 de bucati.6 au fost folosite pe experimente iar cele 30 pt montaj.
am avut o carcasa in plus de la filtrul de aer al masinii.Am acoperit toate gaurile si am facut-o etansa.Am luat guma de la filtrul de aer de hartie, i-am facut un suport din plastic dupa care l-am atasat in interior cu ajutorul super siliconului.Placilor din inox le-am atasat un suport din plastic si le-am montat in interior.
Am realizat legaturile din inox pt placi.O placa lega a treia placa si tot asa .Adica sa fie o legatura doar pt.,+ si una pt-.
am luat un releu de 12 l-am atasat generatorului.
releul e de 30 de amperi dar nu rezista bine deoarece se incalzeste si are tendinte de topire.
aparatul l-am conectat de la bateria masinii...iar furtunul de la admisie l-am prelungit pana in spatele portbagaj...deoarece sub capota nu am loc si e temperatura prea mare.
aparatul cand functioneaza la redresor de 12 v scoate 90 bule pe minut la temp., apei in jur de 30-35 grade celsius.
Dar ii adaug 2 capacele de clor la 2,5 litri si procesul se tripleaza ii adaug niciodata electrolit , sare sau soda caustrica sa nu dauneze placilor. clorul in apa e cel mai putin daunator, deoarece face un fel de cenusa si se spala usor.
am realizat un generator, ce economisesc in in afaara cam mult.mai de mult faceam de la mine pana in alt oras, dus intors cam 40 de km si imi lua 5 litri acu am facut cu 5 litri 2 drumuri.
no insa toate bune si frumoase pana se incalzeste ...deoarece la drum intins se incalzeste de-a binelea si se face fierbinte apa.
dar in oras e bine defolosit se vede diferenta.
acum sa nu sariti pe mine poate e parerea mea....clorul distruge ...etc...dar cu toate acestea trebuie nu l-as da jos din masina.
anu se pune mai mult de 2 capacele de clor..deoarece distruge motorul stiu, insa se risca sa se prajeasca firele. Eu am pus fire groase dar am pus 5 capacele de clor si mi-a prejit firul.a facut contact cu caroseria si s-a polarizat prost bateria ..a trebuit sa o reancarc.asta in cazuri fericite.
folositi releuri puternice.... fara releuri riscati sa ramaneti cu masina in camp deoarece daca opresti si nu deconectezi , iti descarca bateria in cateva risti sa acumulezi presiune de hidrogen si sa surzesti in explozie...sau sa orbesti.
eu am luat documentatia de pe net....cineva in comparatie cu mine a realizat, un montaj ce merge masina numai pe hidrogen.Insa a folosit 101 placi de inox grosime 1,5 mm si 15 pe 15 cm. si alte prostii am documentatia pe cd...numa ca nu stiu sa o trimit.Ei din calculul meu el are 25 de placi de 30 pe 30 de cm, iar eu am doar 3 placi de 30 pe 30 in aparat.Am un plan de viitor sa realizez un montaj asemanator cu ce a facut el...insa pana atunci il folosesc pe acesta
  • Virinel

  • Mesaje scrise: 324
  • Locatie: Prahova
  • Masina: Insignia 2015 B20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 16 Aug 2007

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interesant....poze ceva la montajul realizat ai?
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  • imprevizibil

  • Mesaje scrise: 235
  • Locatie: Hunedoara
  • Masina: Tigra 1998 x14xe
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 03 Apr 2010

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imi pare rau ca nu le-am facut deoarece am vrut. insa pe maine aduc aparatul in casa sa-l curat si pun si poze in multe detalii. tu maine seara le poti vedea ...te asigur ...numa bine
  • imprevizibil

  • Mesaje scrise: 235
  • Locatie: Hunedoara
  • Masina: Tigra 1998 x14xe
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 03 Apr 2010

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scuzati ca nu am avut oportunitatea sa pun pozele mai repede.
ce parere aveti ?
  • sorin666

  • Mesaje scrise: 3,893
  • Locatie: outside Manell's Land
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 12 Mai 2004

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Pozele sunt din 2007... Laughing
  • imprevizibil

  • Mesaje scrise: 235
  • Locatie: Hunedoara
  • Masina: Tigra 1998 x14xe
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 03 Apr 2010

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aparatul de fotografiat e setat din 2007 vrei sa ii fac si un filmulet langa tigrutza mea?
aparatul de electroliza e varianta mea veche am sa ii iau placile si le montez in ceva mai planuri mari cu electroliza asta...p.s sa vad unde ajung
Deci pozele sunt pt., informarea celor ce nu stiu de electroliza si celor ce ar fi interesati de producerea uz personal...cine vrea sa faca un astfel de aparat ii amintesc...aproape nimic nu e imposibil si se despre mine am cules destule informatii pt., a inbunatati consumul
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  • gabigg

  • Mesaje scrise: 1
  • Locatie: Arges
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 04 Dec 2010

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to save 20 to 50% of your fuel !

1 . How we can use water as supplement fuel ?

2 . What is the Hydro Reactor ?

3 . The books about the Hydro Reactor:

4 . The history of the Hydro Reactor:

5 . List of patents in relation with the onboard electrolysers:
All you need to know to build an HYDRO-REACTOR for your vehicle !

Download the ebook for FREE, by clicking here:

The Hydroreactor in English

1 . How we can use water as supplement fuel ?

It has been discovered by scientists, more than 85 years ago, that adding a small volume of hydrogen gas to the combustion of an hydrocarbon fuel (petrol, gasoline, diesel, natural gas, …) improved greatly this combustion by increasing its thermal power and also reduce almost totally the pollution (pollution is essentially composed of unburned particles, and then disappear when hydrocarbons are totally burned). (*patent US 1,379,077, M. Blumenberg, 1921)

So by installing a reactor producing hydrogen and by mixing it with the fuel used in your vehicle, you will greatly increase the combustion of your fuel, and then gaining in power, and by the way you will need less fuel for the same distance and also suppress almost all pollution at your exhaust.

Yes, it’s incredible all what will bring the HYDRO-REACTOR to your vehicle, and all that just with water and a little bit of electricity coming from your battery/alternator.

Also your engine will heat less because the combustion is better and more homogenous, there will be less vibrations on your pistons, and then less friction that is source of heat in the engine. Also important is the fact that your engine won’t clogged anymore, and will turn smoother, and you crankcase oil won’t become dirty as fast as before because of the reduction of the unburned particles of carbon created at combustion time. So the lifespan of your engine will be longer and will need less maintenance.

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2 . What is the Hydro Reactor ?

An HYDRO-REACTOR is an apparatus that transforms water in its gazeous constituants, that's 2 thirds of hydrogen and 1 third of oxygen. The processus is called electrolysis of water, and then an HYDRO-REACTOR is a water electrolyzer.

Unluckily politics and petrol lobbies don’t like to see the development of this kind of technology that save on fuel consumption, and would reduce considerably their sales on petrol and taxes collection. So it’s not possible to mass produce this type of fuel saver, and it must be limited to niche markets like internet, that only a few people use to get information on energy saving.

There is almost only internet where you can purchase such an electrolyser of water for your vehicle. There is may be half a dozen of websites offering onboard electrolysers, some since many years already. They are mostly from USA or Canada, so their apparatuses are quite expensive.

A French tried a few years ago to commercialise his electrolyser, Mr Moreau of Utopia Tech., but we can see that he didn’t finished yet the research and setting of his apparatus, that he qualified as very highly technologic one, and the poor consumers still can’t buy his electrolysers nor even the plans. Of course we have no doubts about the qualification and good willing of the Engineer Moreau, because we are sure that he is blocked by the powers in place to stop the production of his system. The situation is such that if you have a good product that could have an impact on the fuel consumption of vehicle at national scale , you are immediately menaced and pressurised to force you to stop its development.

It’s now our turn to come to the public place, after many years of underground activity, and we are determined to give access to all the people of the world, to this efficient fuel saving technology, hoping that a safe product, simple and cheap to build will be helpful. Because it’s by making this technology simple and affordable by everybody that it will grow until one day the petrol lobbies won’t be able to suppress it anymore.

Another thing that pushed us to develop our own model, is that what is for sale on internet is not very adapted yet ; you have the choice between 2 types of onboard electrolysers, that are those offered for individual vehicles and that are of very low quality, even very dangerous for some of them, but still very expensive, or some electrolysers for buses or trucks, that are of large size and very expensive (thousands dollars each) , but of course they are very good in quality because they are used by professionals and warranted by insurances (they are filled with electronic and need a costly maintenance not affordable by particulars).

We thought about offering a bridge between this 2 choices, with a simple and low price, but efficient and reliable system.
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3 . The book about the Hydro Reactor:

- The e-book: In this book we describe the different possibilities and how to détermine their advantages and defaults, for you to understand clearly why we did this choices in our model of electrolyser described in this book. And then we present the detailed plans and the recommended building steps, and the eventual variations on the basic model.

Detailed plans with cotations and numerous details:

All you need to know to build an HYDRO-REACTOR for your vehicle !

Download the ebook for FREE, by clicking here:

The Hydroreactor in English

4 . The history of the Hydro Reactor:

We started to study the onboard electrolysers in 2003, and our first practical tests were in 2005.

It’s just simple electrolysis of water, process known since more than 200 years, but we had to accommodate it to this specific use. It’s after having tried many different configurations that we learned what was good and what was to avoid. Starting with 2 pieces os stainless steel immerged in water, we arrived to this electrolyser with 5 to 7 cells in series, explosion proof, having an high efficiency and without risk of major failure, cheap and simple to build.

The systems proposed to profesionals , like those to equip trucks or buses, are of a very high quality, warranted and very reliable, but they are very expensive and then not accessible to individuals, and they also need a costly maintenance.

So far we haven’t come across apparatuses of high quality targeted for individuals, at reasonable prices. Products for sale on Internet are usually simple stainless steel or plastic containers with a few parts inside as electrodes and are of such a low quality that their users often encounter major problems or failures after short time of utilisation.

We understood that there was essential points to integrate to make a reliable, secure and long lasting onboard electrolyser.

We also understood that we had to work with a simple conception, essentially without electronic, to make it affordable to everybody, and to offer a very long lifespan for the electrolyser, with many years of function without failure.

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5 . List of patents in relation with the onboard electrolysers:

. 1- 1921, Blumenberg (H. Jr.), US 1,379,077, Process and Apparatus for Generating Explosive Gases.
. 2- 1944, Carmichael (A.B.), US 2,365,330, Apparatus for Electrolytically Producing Oxygen and Hydrogene.
. 3- 1949, Crozier (H. E.), US 2,458,256, Water Carburetor.
. 4- 1963, O'Laughlin (J.F.), US 3,074,390, Fuel Economizer for Internal Combustion Engines.
. 5- 1966, Rhodes (W.A.), US 3,262,872, Apparatus for the Electrolytic Production of Hydrogen and Oxygen for the Safe Consumption Thereof.
. 6- 1967, Mittelstaedt (G.S.), US 3,311,097, Hydrogen-Oxygen Device in Combustion Engines.
. 7- 1970, Grant (D.J.), US 3,490,235, Passively Regulated Water Electrolysis Rocket Engine.
. 8- 1972, Pacheco (Francisco), US 3,648,668, Gas-Operated Internal Combustion Engine.
. 9- 1973, Carlson (Richard C.), US 3,767,542, Reduction of Electrolytic Cell Voltage by Anode Vibration.
. 10- 1976, Horvath (Stephen), US 3,954,592, Electrolysis Apparatus.
. 11- 1976, Harris (Mack), US 3,969,214, Permanent Magnet Hydrogen Oxygen Generating Cells.
. 12- 1977, Mosher (Edward G.), US 4,023,545, Energy Means for Internal Combustion Engines.
. 13- 1978, Blue (Archie H.), US 4,124,463, Electrolytic Cell.
. 14- 1978, Tangri (Kuldip Chand), US 4,085,709, Hydrogen Fuel System for a Vehicle.
. 15- 1982, Themy (Constantinos D.), US 4,316,787, High Voltage Electrolytic Cell.
. 16- 1983, Galluzo (Daniel T.), US 4,369,102, Electrolysis Apparatus for Decomposing Water into Hydrogen Gas and Oxygen Gas.
. 17- 1983, Sanders (Cledith A.), US 4,369,737, Hydrogen-Oxygen Generator.
. 18- 1984, Glynn (John D.), US 4,442,801, Electrolysis Fuel Supplementation Apparatus for Combustion Engines.
. 19- 1984, Sandberg (Lars) (VOLVO), FR 84 13728, Moteur a Combustion Interne a Turbocompresseur avec Injection d'eau.
. 20- 1984, Han (Tay-Hee), US 4,427,512, Water Decomposition Method and Device Using Ionization by Collision.
. 21- 1988, McCambridge (Michael), US 4,726,888, Electrolysis of Water.
. 22- 1992, Munday (John f.), US 5,143,025, Hydrogen and Oxygen System for Producing Fuel for Engines.
. 23- 1992, Cunningham (John E.), US 5,105,773, Method and Apparatus for Enhancing Combustion in an Internal Combustion Engine Through Electrolysis.
. 24- 1993, Chiang (Huang C.), US 5,244,558, Apparatus for Generating a Mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen for Producing a Hot Flame.
. 25- 1993, Nakamats (Yoshiro), US 5,178,118, Energy System for Applying Mixed Hydrogen and Gasoline to an Engine.
. 26- 1993, Stowe (Gene B.), US 5,231,954, Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell.
. 27- 1995, Nakamats (Yoshiro), US 5,399,251, System for Generating Hydrogen and Oxygen.
. 28- 1997, Taylor (E. Jennings), US 5,599,437, Electrolysis of Electroactive Species using Pulsed Current.
. 29- 2000, Chambers (Stephen Barrie) (XOGEN), US 6,126,794, Apparatus for Producing Orthohydrogen and/or Parahydrogen.
. 30- 2001, Ross (Bill), US 6,209,493 B1, Internal Combustion Engine Kit with Electrolysis Cell.
. 31- 2002, Chambers (Stephen Barrie) (XOGEN), US 6,419,815 B1, Method for Producing Orthohydrogen and/or Parahydrogen.
. 32- 2004, Lund (Bruce D.), US 6,820,840 B2, Hydrogen Powered Toy Rocket Utilizing Hydrogen from the Electrolysis of Water.
. 33- 2005, Ross (Bill), US 6,896,789 B2, Electrolysis Cell and Internal COmbustion Engine Kit Comprising the same.
. 34- 2005, Klein (Dennis), US 6,866,756 B2, Hydrogen Generator for Uses in a Vehicle Fuel System.
. 35- 2006, Christison (J.Devon), US 7,021,249 B1, Hydrogen Addition to Hydrocarbon Fuel for an Internal Combustion Engine.
. 36- 2007, Balan (Gabi), US 7,240,641 B2, Hydrogen Generating Apparatus and Components Therefor.
. 37- 2008, Omasa (Ryushin), US 7,318,885 B2, Hydrogen-Oxygen Gas Generatorand Hydrogen-Oxygen Gas Generating Method Using the Generator.
  • sorin666

  • Mesaje scrise: 3,893
  • Locatie: outside Manell's Land
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  • Cont inregistrat: 12 Mai 2004

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Tinere garbige, copy/paste din gunoaiele Netului stim sa facem si noi, multumesc pentru "imensa" contributie, ne-ai lasat masca pe toti, noroc ca te avem printre noi... Rolling Eyes
  • imprevizibil

  • Mesaje scrise: 235
  • Locatie: Hunedoara
  • Masina: Tigra 1998 x14xe
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 03 Apr 2010

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sorin666 nu imi place ce tre sa fac, dar trebuie sa iti dau dreptate la postul asta
  • darius_x

  • Mesaje scrise: 187
  • Locatie: Cluj
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  • Cont inregistrat: 13 Dec 2009

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am vazut si eu la prieten care si-a pus instalatie de genu pe un bmw 316i, si din ce spunea el consuma mult mai putin si mai ciudat, ca si trage mai bine, la fel am vazut si pe un volvo s40 1.9 tdi....ambele instalatii au fost facute si montate de aceiasi persoana
  • imprevizibil

  • Mesaje scrise: 235
  • Locatie: Hunedoara
  • Masina: Tigra 1998 x14xe
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 03 Apr 2010

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darius_x a scris:am vazut si eu la prieten care si-a pus instalatie de genu pe un bmw 316i, si din ce spunea el consuma mult mai putin si mai ciudat, ca si trage mai bine, la fel am vazut si pe un volvo s40 1.9 tdi....ambele instalatii au fost facute si montate de aceiasi persoana

trebuie odata cu instalatia si reglajul debitului de combustibil, din cauza sondei lambda si mai trebuie si instalatia de hidrogen sa dea randament bun pt., a vedea o scaderede consum de carburant fosil, a mea o sa consume in jur de 60-70 amperi Very Happy
  • mecaNIK

  • Mesaje scrise: 2,204
  • Locatie: Anglia
  • Masina: Insignia 2010 confidential
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 10 Jan 2007

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imprevizibil de aia intrebai despre radiatorul de ac daca poate fi folosit la altceva? am gasit discutia la sectiunea aer condionat? raspunsul este da,acel radiator este facut sa reziste la presiune si circulatia lichidului prin el,conditia ca acel lichid sa nu fie mai coroziv decat freonul.Eu vreau sa monitorizez variatia de temperatura functie de tensiune,amperaj,timp de folosire etc.....poate trag niste concluzii.Ideea ta teoretic este corecta dar ai omis faptul ca acel lichid trebuie circulat de o pompa ,gazele din el vor face acea pompa nefolositoare ,gandestete doar ca acel lichid in hidrolizor este in descompunere si va acumula pungi de gaz in pompa in radiator ...mai peste tot.
  • imprevizibil

  • Mesaje scrise: 235
  • Locatie: Hunedoara
  • Masina: Tigra 1998 x14xe
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 03 Apr 2010

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@mekanik ,chiar mi-ai facu o surpriza frumoasa cu raspunsul tau nu ma asteptam.
ideea e ca vreau sa folosesc radiatorul pe post de racire a electrolitului. ca pompe si lichide corozive nu tre sa iti faci probleme deoarece, tre sa folosesti soda folosesc soda din aceea tip granule.Am facut experimente si aceea soda e buna la electroliza....f buna si : nu topeste plasticul si nu corodeaza aceea nu tre sa iti faci griji. potzi folosi silicon, si superglue la imbinari de orice vrei sa faci ca soda nu le va topi. nu tre sa folosesti acizi de baterie la electroliza numai koh si soda caustrica sunt cele mai bune.
ok., eu folosesc o singura celula de electroliza dar acum cu 26 de placi is enumerate anterior. am facut o singura celula sa nu ma chinui sa fac mai multe asa am socotit ca e mai bine. cine face mai multe celule le face sa nu incalzeasca apa din celula deoarece nu vrea sa o raceasca cu radiatorul sau o raceste in sistem din ala dry( adica are un rezervor de apa si amesteca apa calda cu cea rece) dar la un moment dat ce mai amesteci sa racesti ? numai ca treci apa prin pompa se incalzeste iar dupa 90 de grade gata cu beneficul electrolizei.celula mea va consuma cm 60-70 de amperi. concentratzia sodei caustrice tre sa fie de 5 % din celula mea apa se incalzeste in 6-9 sau 10 min de functzionare, dupa care nu mai am nici un beneficiu(asadar tre sa folosesc radiatorul de racit apa)si toate merg spre bine.
ce pot sa iti spun ca mai bine faci o celula cu un radiator si cu rezervor de apa sau sa fie mai inalt sa aiba apa tot timpul sa nu ajunga la placi.
nu voi avea presiune in aparat dearece se bazeaza pe un tub de vacum ce trage gazul din aparat direct in admisie
daca ai nevoie de raspunsuri in limita cumostintei te pot indruma spre un sistem home made de sigurantza., de mari economii (la carbrantzi daca vrei safaci unul bun potzi sa ai economii de peste 70 %......insa iti trebuie un pwm bun un efie si placile ,pompa de apa si radiator si ceva stiintza si gata )si de buget minimprocurat piese
  • deleted-21456

  • Mesaje scrise: 106
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  • Cont inregistrat: 09 Aug 2008

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@imprevizibil, hidroxidul de sodiu (NaOH) sau popular soda caustica, cat si hidroxidul de potasiu (KOH), ataca aluminiul si inca destul de puternic.
Cel mai simplu pentru electroliza apei se poate folosi sarea de bucatarie (NaCl). Dar oare alternatorul poate sa dea suplimentar 70A? Pentru o asemenea sarcina a alternatorului si motorul va consuma mai multa benzina (motorina). Oare unde este economia?
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